1. Does reflected light from a mirror double the output or halve it? Two bulbs shine as four. Two overlapping shadows become additively darker, so can the same principle apply: two light sources additively get brighter from a light source's own reflection? But this would involve the creation of (light) energy and according to the
Conservation of Energy this would be disallowed. However, this only applies to a
closed system. What constitutes a
closed system when considering a small part of a system within a bigger system? This becomes a
semantic argument.
2. Can
DNA be
‘planted’ to incriminate someone?
3. Headache when brain has no nervous system. It is apparently caused by the dilation of blood vessels. So, it is a
referred-type pain? What is
pain? Is it psychologically perceived and
'created' in and by the
brain? But what actually is pain?
4. Equilibration of air pressure is required before introducing an atmosphere. Disaster will strike otherwise.
Quantum entanglement: as opposed to physically connected to cause movement, no actual connection and maybe a long way apart. Like air pressure making a valve close. No visible agent causing the movement. But not air. Something else. Something not tangible and invisible.
Celestial mechanics is complex, but the principle is quite straightforward.
7. Presence of
phosphorus and
nitrogen based fertilisers causes an
increase in
CO2 output
(18% and 22%, respectively).
8. The auto industry is moving towards hydrogen as an alternative fuel. The message? Petrol-fuelled engines will soon become obsolete.
Lightning at Saturn. What causes that phenomenon? What creates lightning?
Dopamine gene and what is the effect if it gets switched off?
11. How can waves move through a vacuum? Is it illusion?
12. Physical particles don't
"create" an opposite. A
plus force automatically creates a
minus opposing force. They co-exist mutually.
13. How is
gravity affected by
rotational speed?
14. Virus trapped in ice: when the ice melts, what are the consequences? If the virus survives the cold conditions, it will surely behave as though it had been in suspended animation. Any animal organism that has adapted over many thousands or more years will react as though the virus were new and
not ancient.
15. Gaseous mixtures as they warm up become less dense if not confined in a box (molecular collisions increase and molecules move apart). Hot air rises and creates wind as it moves away from cooler air. At high altitude it sinks as it cools. The rotation of the Earth over the time to rise and sink again means the air mass has moved eastwards in the northern hemisphere. The point where the air was heated creates a depression of low pressure. When the air sinks it does the reverse - high pressure anticyclone. High goes to low so air masses move from anticyclones to depressions. This is a general principle, though local effects can change behaviour quite dramatically. Bottlenecks like valleys or mountains can slow or accelerate depending on the original direction.
16. In the north, wind blows clockwise around an anticyclone and anticlockwise around a depression (reversed in the south). The vortex created in a plughole is clockwise in the northern hemisphere. Down the drain and likened to an anticyclone by increasing pressure?
17. The essential weather systems of the Earth can be hostile to Human or any other lifeform. Depressions causing upflow of water to be carried by the wind is critical. Any interference is dangerous. The Earth has survived
100s of millions of years. Man has been around for only a few hundred thousand years. Man is not a successful species. Yet.
18. Carbon dioxide and methane from the rotting of dead vegetation and other organic matter increased (both are greenhouse gases) causing a temp increase in line with a more active Sun (getting hotter) and less oxygen being produced.
19. Remember originally there was no oxygen. This was tied up in inorganic sources like rocks. These were formed with the release of large amounts of water from which the oceans derive. Earth was then able to flourish. Oxygen breathing creatures evolved to scavenge this poison and regenerate the
CO2 to aid the survival of plants.
- Review plants/animals both carnivores and herbivores and how each would separately evolve.
20. The curvature of the Earth is not noticed by moving between two points
A and
B when they are close together. It appears to be simply a straight line without any deviation. An observer sees the curve from a different point of view. The illusion is possible because it's a shallow curve.
21. Conventional methods of propulsion rely on action/reaction with the environment. Unless escape this thinking will never get past the first post. General relativity deals with gravity. Quantum theory with the very small. Even atoms have gravity, although very small. This is the difference between the micro- and the macroscopic. The deformation is not of space or time (the four dimensions, but there are more than these)when a mass is placed inside it, but of the mass itelf. It just seems this way. The perception. The illusion. The integration of new thinking or ideas into conventional physics is as wrong and limiting as the idea that the Sun goes around the Earth, which is NOT the centre of the Universe. It takes a leap of the imagination to go forward now rather than waiting for it to be proved valid. Literally wasting time.
22. Femtosecond (time): one quadrillionth of a second; "one thousandth of a nanosecond". Ppm, ppb, ppt. Even with this, cannot approach the levels of accuracy necessary.
23. Trace Fe in blood (around 30 -> 35mg total in 8 pints?). Local gravity effects within the physiological system only need be very slight to predispose towards chiral molecules. Check out ortho- and para- H2O molecules.
24. It's always concerned with shape and electronic charge distribution. Must not be seduced by the pictures that represent molecules. This is missing the point of interactive site location and as the whole molecule is necessary to create an effect.
25. Reverse the explosion sequence to get implosion idea. Gas to solid. Small space creation: 14KNO3 + 4S + 12C = 4K2SO4 + 3K2CO3 + 8CO2 + CO + 7N2
26. Sun's differential rotation. Middle rotates faster that poles.
27. Why not alchemy? Same basic atom: neutrons, protons and electrons. Arrangement of the heavier particles cause difference of local gravity and space and time. Change the arrangement, get altered atom/element. Compare with radio-emissions and conversion to another element. Same principle.
28. Oily appearance of water shows something has been dissolved in a miscible solvent and the solution added to the water.
29. The water overhead to produce food is staggering. Between 2000-5000 litres of water for 1kg rice. One thousand litres for 1kg wheat. To yield just one 'quarter pounder' takes 11,000 litres to raise the cow that produces it. And 2000-4000l for a litre of milk. Over 3000l for 1kg sugar. That 1kg coffee tips over 20,000l (20 tonnes).
30. 'Rainwater harvesting' is the efficient collection of water from rainfall. Slowing it down to fill the tanka (derivation of tanks from this Indian word).
31. Perception of temperature variation caused by atmosphere. The change in the distance between the sun and earth is only a few million miles though the amount of radiated heat striking the earth is roughly a constant. The heat potential is not much less the further away the earth is. It is too little change in distance for that. The atmosphere does it all. Without the atmosphere the variation of temperature wouldn't happen. The oceans act as a giant heatsink, absorbing this heat. About one half of the surface of the earth is water constrained on one side. One third is dry land and this absorbs heat in daytime. Land absorbs and releases heat quickly. Water absorbs heat and releases this very slowly by comparison, but look at hurricanes and cyclones. The effects of heat have enormous consequences. The consequences move very fast changing the Earths's atmosphere as it goes. Chaos and disturbance are features of the earth. The human condition almost subconsciously accepts this and this has its own consequence. It is no wonder that the nature of humans is somewhat chaotic and very unsettled.
32. When mountains are eroded by the environment, natural shape is crudely conical. The final shape depends on prevailing winds. Pyramid mimics this effect with the four general directions to reduce wear. The original smooth, white finish... what purpose?
33. Differentiation between atoms made up of same protons, neutrons and electrons - anything else? Why are the atomic forces so able to keep the atoms so discrete? Distinct. Remarkable. Like galaxies? Gravitational forces so separate between them. Great distances involved.
34. Is gravity purely a result of motion? Difference between gravity and magnetism. How does centripetal/centrifugal force fit?
35. Gas Giants: are they just too big and not condensed or compacted into smaller entities.
36. 'Quantum entanglement'. If quarks are spin-paired then separated, if the spin of one is changed, the spin of the other changes instantly in sympathy. 'Spooky distance' - Einstein. Force unknown.
37. Check Fermi and tunnelling electrons.
38. If human stereo vision is limited to about 2 deg, what happens for monocular vision? What can be seen? No depth of field (distance). Is there rapid switching left/right or does the brain 'process' separate images?
39. On what basis is the age of the Moon estimated? A few samples of rock brought back by alleged Apollo astronauts/robots? The Moon was never borne out of Earth. It is a captured planet sent by the alien.
40. If I travel due south by plane at 500mph, the Earth will move eastwards by about 1000 miles in the same hour. Since I am not in contact with the ground, but still passing through the air, will I need to compensate for this sideways movement? Probably not: like the different experience of movement inside and outside of a train.
41. The genitalia are designed to simply ensure the male sperm cell reaches the female egg. Orgasm increases the chance of the two cells meeting. The female cell is a single entity while the male is numbered in millions. That describes the absolute importance of conception when only one cell is required. The union, or fertilisation, creates a new single entity from two unique parts, each of which cannot by itself form a living being. The new single cell as a mixture forms a symbiotic dependency and becomes a unique life form.
42. The Sun and (Earth's) Moon both rotate once in 28 Earth rotations (days). The Sun polarisation of equatorial poles are 7 day fluctuations from +ive to -ive, Sinusoidal. The equatorial regions rotate faster (28 days as seen from Earth, 26 days absolute) to vertical poles (40.5/37) days.
43. The Sun: 26 Earth days for rotation (28 as seen from Earth). Earth has moved on 1/12th year after ths time. Moon has revolved once about its axis. Connection between 11.5 years solar cycle (solar 'year' as Sun rotates on spot) and Moon's 28 days: 11.5*365/28 = 149.9. Distance in millions of km of Earth to Sun. Review 26 day solar 'day' and 28 day lunar 'day' and how orbit increases this period. Earth moves on 1/12th circumference of orbit so solar 'day' is 26+(26/12) = ~28 days. There is a catch-up time. Same for Moon. Relative motion takes place. How does Earth (and Moon) and Sun synchronise over one year? Equatorial regions = 37 days (37+37/12 = ~40.5 days).
44. If electrons are stripped away from atoms then the space occupied is much less. The repulsion between atoms is lessened and so greater density is achieved even though the forces between nuclei cause internal repulsion. Pressure can overcome this so causing nuclei to fuse with one another. New elements are formed. Even unstable atoms are 'forced' into stability(radioactive decay is prevented).
45. What is fire? The removal of oxygen causing a breach in a time-space barrier. Heat (low temperatures) results. SHC is intense and very localised heat output. Work on this theme.
46. Review lung volumes. By 1980 global population was 4billion. At 2005 it was well on the way to doubling and was 6.5-7billion. Increasing: greater oil consumption and more CO2. Money is the driver since power is paramount. The human race is doomed and is part of the plan. The silent arrival and killing without ever noticing.
47. 8CO2 + 10H2O -> 2C4H10 + 13O2: catalyst = M+ not of this Earth, but disguised by creating a new complex.
48. 'Dark matter' seems to implicate hydrogen, but emits no light. The question occurs: what is responsible for light? Fusion to He? The speed of light becomes redundant in the absense of light. (Not an original idea.) Adapt the principle of dissolving a solid to produce a clear solution. Solid dissolved in the 'nothing' of space. Separation of solvated components in the medium of space. Dark matter?
49. Unknown 'stable' terrestrial elements can still exist. The mechanism of their formation cannot occur in our solar system. Heat, pressure etc and our understanding of life prevents the formation.
50. Capture the propellant exhaust gas from an engine and re-use the potential power. Convert propulsive energy by overcoming friction.
51. Fusion: overcome proton repulsive +ive charges to form He.
52. How can a battery be recharged in space? Is solar the only way? Apply this logic on Earth.
53. Conditions in our solar system only allow up to Uranium to exist. Elsewhere here is no reason for any limit other than the conditions themselves.
54. Gravity: the close packing of molecules creates greater density and the gravitational effect is increased. Oxygen does not settle because of gravity, but is easily moved about, yet if left undisturbed will 'gravitate' downwards and collect together.
55. A magnetic field repulsion (or attraction) by contrast does not appear to weaken. What, then, is the difference between the two energies?
56. Is gravity somehow related to atmosphere? Go higher, less air, less gravity. Assumption that gravity goes to the centre of a body. Cannot be shown and may only permeate a few miles or so. Liquid mantle disallows investigation. Weak gravity of Moon. Maybe it's not!
57. The further out an object, slower the orbit. Closer in then faster. Moon at an average 238,855 miles (24,000 miles variation between perigee [closest] and apogee [furthest]) takes 27.32 days synchronous 'monthly' rotation. Earth perihelion (closest = 0.98AU)and aphelion (furthest = 1.017AU). What causes this 'balanced', but asymmetric, orbit? The Earth must effectively have an unstable 'wobble', a precession rotation caused by the irregular land mass distribution. Geo-stationary position for satellite (matched orbital speed) is 22,300 miles. Any closer encounters atmosphere and frictional slowing. Otherwise would speed up even more, just like the ice-skater/arm length scenario. Size is 27% that of Earth. For the Moon it would be further out to cause a permanent shadow spot (smaller than current as further in). Is Moon orbit speeding up or slowing down? Getting closer/moving away. I think it is moving away so it is the wrong 'natural' direction. Where would shadow be located if land slippage so fast (7 days to create the Earth all those billions of years ago)? Egypt and/or Mexico? Moon moved in and out to reposition. Could be further out for effective opposite orbit or further in to speed up. Either way, easily repositioned.
58. The harmonic creates a hybrid tone, but is neither of the components. Ratios record the relative change between two components at any moment. This can be constant as in harmonics or different.
59. Is dietary approach possible by minimising intake of foods that are rich in the amino acid that promotes growth. Could be a balance between denying the amino acid to cancerous cell, but not to cells needed for life.
60. Increased mobility has brought its many problems: exposure to more UV from the sun and cellular DNA damage. Foods and 'foreign' diseases.
61. Doesn't need much methane or CO2 to make a significant environmental change: 0.04% CO2 compared to 70% nitrogen and 20% oxygen.
62. Does the Fibonnacci sequence define the spiral pathway down a pyramid and produce a straight line? But why four faces and not 3, 5, 7...? Four essentially distinguishable seasons. The change of one to the next is really very fast. Is the precessional 'elliptical' orbit enough to explain this or is there more to this simplistic notion?
63. How foolproof is a DNA trace? Chromatogram or what is it anyway?
64. How would it be possible to speculate what lies between the west and east coast of the Sahara desert if all that is viewable are the surrounding grains of sand around one grain: 'above', 'below' and in any other direction?
65. The millions of degrees heat towards the Sun's core, creates an environment where a liquid wants to be a gas, but the tremendous pressure prevents vaporisation to a gas. This illustrates a situation that on Earth confounds physical laws. Some radioactive elements on Earth can exist as stable elements in another environment with very different pressures and temperatures.
66. How is relative mass estimated for a distant planet? It cannot be weighed. Must be related to its gravity.
67. See beryllium: sun spot activity indicates cosmic ray increase. The interaction with atmospheric oxygen generates beryllium-10. A weak magnetic field on Earth would cause less deflection of cosmic rays. Combination of a weaker magnetic field and greater cosmic ray activity creates more beryllium-10 and leads to less oxygen.
68. Is there a connection between Moon elevation and weather? Low in sky and full moon (Sun at 180 deg) yields (very) high-tide. Very rainy deluges (low pressure). Moon high in sky - is this high pressure and good weather?
69. The problem in take-off is overcoming inertia. The answer is to make mass weightless. Cancel gravity and remove inertia: instant velocity. Acceleration as a concept is modified. Inital (zero speed) reaches terminal velocity instantaneously. Acceleration is zero. Move from V1 to V2 in zero time. Without cancelling force V2 remains unchanged. How did Earth, planets and everything else acquire initial velocity? Under acceleration forces, why does an object stop accelerating and move at constant velocity if no forces act to negate acceleration?
70. Why is the tide wavelike? Why isn't the motion smooth since the rotations of the Earth and Moon are smooth? Is this an example of 2D to 3D translation of motion? The ground over which water moves is not flat or regular. The smooth flow is interrupted and warmer/colder water mixing causes disturbance. Effect is the erratic (not discernible) pattern observed, but with an overall theme: tide in or out.
71. The part of the brain that interprets pain? Chemicals transmit enablers, but what is and what actually creates 'pain'? Cocaine inhibits dopamine synaptic clearance sustaining the dopamine pleasure effects. A properly functioning synapse requires dopamine. This implies success will be a pleasurable experience.
72. Creation of atoms by altering numbers of protons/neutrons/electrons. An example: bombard nitrogen gas with clusters of protons and neutrons to obtain oxygen.
73. If a limb or any body part is removed and subsquently destroyed there is no recognition of the part at all, only perhaps a ghost limb appreciation. Does this happen with internal organs, but is just not recognised as such? A limb is associated as being long term and its loss is easily noted. A tumour is not missed. This implicates a mental state and recognition.
74. Under enormous pressure (supernova) electrons and protons fuse together to form neutrons. Neutrinos are formed and ejected at the speed of light. Heavy elements like iron (cannot burn) are formed as an endpoint.
75. The rise in the level of CO2 is not the cause of warming, but the effect. As the sea warms, the amount of CO2 released increases. This is the nature of a warm liquid: its capacity to absorb a gas is reduced. Cold liquids retain more gas. The consequence of warming oceans is the rise in atmospheric levels of this greenhouse gas. The sun is getting hotter by burning more helium in its furnace. Simple, and has little to do with burning fossil fuels though this clearly does not help.
76. Why the natural L-isomer of optically active molecules? Are notes 351 and 352 connected?
77. Consider the differences and similarities between volcanoes and 'craters'.
78. The iron/nickel (?) core in the centre of the Earth is the reason for the apparent magnetic pole shift. The effect is because of precession. Liquid mantle does not allow any connected or synchronised movement due to the momentum of this rotating liquid.
79. Rock age by elemental radioactivity decay rate. Only C14 to determine age of organic material. Examine damage track made by such decay. Around 25micrometres (25millionths) long. Based on decay rate, can calculate the length of time necessary to produce that number of tracks for a known amount of radioactive material present.
80. Hypothalamus regulates body temperature. Increased blood flow to skin with sweating. Evaporation causes cooling.
81. Galaxyescape velocity (maybe) 50 times faster than achievable. Whatever, essentially not possible and ensures being trapped in the box unless other forms of relocation are discovered. Note: any advance ill be slowed or stopped while the discovery is turned towards war and control. The 'richest man in the graveyard principle'.
82. What is there in a pacemaker that creates the hazard with a (strong) magnetic field. If non-ferromagnetic materials are used (titanium, aluminium) or stainless steel (iron alloyed with chromium and nickel) or cobalt-chromium alloy. Cobalt, nickel and iron are feromagnetic metals, but are rendered non-magnetic as the alloyed material.
83. Colour is the reflected light.
84. Implications of
axial tilt change of precession. If orbit track doesn't alter, the shift of Earth's land masses causes changes in the oceans by displacement of water by land. This is in addition to the 'melting' ice-caps.
85. The subtle and unnoticed shift of as little as 0.5deg would cause more land to be warmed in the daytime (by a hotter Sun) and so take this extra heat around to a modified mnnnposition as night proceeds to be radiated into the air. The air currents warm the colder ice regions enough to cause some melting to cool the warming seas. Impeding air flow is reduced and weight loss continues to alter the axial shift as polar regions become lighter. The 'wobble' subtely changes.
86. Gravity: the Sun is very magnetic with solar flares being swirled back down to return from the object that tried to eject them. Planets contain iron and nickel (paramagnetic?). The return involves turning which in turn causes rotation.
87. Fascinating 'fact': has this been proven or is it just theoretical? Light travels at a finite speed (300,000m/s). But the gravitational effect is instant, whatever the distance. So, what effect is known about the gravitational influence of a planet one light year distant or more or even 400bn km/miles distant. Instant? Who really knows?
88. Tidal waves. Why do waves occur when Earth/Moon rotation is (presumed to be) smooth. Once a volume of water has been set in motion, the direction cannot be altered. The Earth/Moon objects continue in a continuously modified direction relative to the original direction of the water flow. Consequence is appearance of a judder or waves as each new volume of water and its wave begin.
89. Four (?) hydrogen atoms to make helium. Is it bimolecular?
90. Earth passes between positioned-in-space metal coil: electromagnetic Faraday principle produces electricity to electrocute the Earth!
91. The only difference between O2 and CO2 is carbon. Putting aside all other elements that enable a living entity, these two (C, O) are critical to the support of life. Without them nothing else is necessary. Life would not exist. To imagine that random evolution could develop the incredible complexity of life is as ridiculous as believing that enough time and typewriters would culminate in an exact copy of Shakespeare's Hamlet.
92. The absolute zero of -273.16deg is only relative to the Kelvin scale and is essentially arbitrary in its starting point. Temperatures go much lower, but are neither measurable nor attainable. This does not imply that temps lower than this do not occur in the vastness of space. Somewhere.
93. Differences caused by optical isomers. Recognition and effect.
94. Is there any clear and simple correlation between CO2 level increase and population growth.
95. If coal originated from CO2 what caused the reduction? The oxygen caused life to start, but what cataysed the chain into being?
96. Physical shape of a molecule simply places the required electron density at precisely the right place. Simple really.
97. Assymetric compound enzymatically cleaved in the presence of a chiral co-factor that then selectively destroys one of the enantiomers. Or the wrong enantiomeric product fails to undergo the next reaction in the sequence. Wrong internal structure that is necessary to facilitate the reaction. Simple, but critical.
98. The particular orbit rotation orientation of Earth predefines the optical preference of molecules through gravity and angular momentum. Predisposed selectively. The natural enantiomer is the L-form.
99. Reduction of atmosphere by hydrogen to remove molecular oxygen and produce water.
O2+H2 -> 2H2O. Oxygen is also trapped as
CO2 with carbon. Higher temperature and less oxygen is possibly the ideal for an alien. Inert
N2 is simply a diluent. Remove nitrogen and the concentration of all gases increases. More water and more
CO2 gets dissolved as the temperature is raised.