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Thursday, November 06, 2008

Titius-Bode: caution

  • The axial tilt of Neptune is 28.32 deg and as a planet should not exist (at least where it is) according to the paradigm described by the Titius-Bode Law. Neptune does exist and this is regarded as sufficient evidence for rebuttal. This Law could actually be true as a hypothesis and Neptune could have its origins elsewhere, though not far. Or the formation of the outermost planet is just misunderstood (the 'dwarf planet' Pluto has been reclassified and is no longer recognised as a planet) and the entire accepted interpretation of the solar system planets should be reassessed.
If Neptune is overlooked, then Uranus becomes the outermost planet. The four inner (rocky) planets are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars. The gas giants comprise Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus in terms of distance from the Sun to yield a total of seven actual planets. The Asteroid Belt exists between Mars and Jupiter and the outward gravitational pull of Jupiter and the inward tug towards the Sun could theoretically be cancelled out to prevent accretion and formation of another planet.

The Titius-Bode Law is empirical, yet is rejected as Neptune shouldn't exist, at least where it has been located. This presumes that the planetary distances are not in doubt. The other seven planets fit reasonably well within the law, yet this 'law' is rebutted by virtue of the one anomalous value: 30.1AU instead of 38.8AU. This may be fair and reasonable, but rejection without further consideration is neither fair nor reasonable.

a = (n+4)/10

  • n = 0, 3, 6, 12, 24, 48, 96, 192, 384
    • [each integer is double the preceding number, except 0]
  • a = the average distance is in AU (astronomical units)
  • 1AU = Earth -> Sun distance (149.6 million km)
    • Mercury
      • 0.39/0.4
    • Venus
      • 0.72/0.7
    • Earth
      • 1.0/1.0
    • Mars
      • 1.5/1.6
    • Asteroid Belt
      • 2.77/2.8
    • Jupiter
      • 5.2/5.2
    • Saturn
      • 9.5/10.0
    • Uranus
      • 19.2/19.6
    • Neptune
      • 30.1/38.8
The actual distance (30.1 AU) excludes Neptune from being considered as applicable to the Titius-Bode empirical formula and so the law fails. But Neptune does exist where it is and some other reason must apply. An open mind is essential. Neptune should be around 5800.0 mkm (38.8 AU) distant and travelling at 4.79km/s, taking 241 years (not 5.45km/s and 164.79 years) to orbit the Sun for the Titius-Bode law to apply. A much deeper orbit and a consequence of slower orbital velocity.

  • Keplar's 3rd law still applies since an extended radius will translate to a slower orbital period.
  • The speculation is that all eight planets are connected by virtue of existing and must have been formed together. That's as far as it goes. Speculation constitutes hypothesis and can only attempt to explain observation. Gravitational influences would possibly have ensured that the axial tilt of Neptune was increased.
Alternative relationships can be considered and any concept of Truth can easily become clouded.

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Pascal's Triangle (Number Theory)
Pascal's Triangle (Wikipedia)
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Fibonacci and Lucas


  • At 9:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    The Pluto/Neptune anomaly of the Titius-Bode progression is predicted in the Initial Mass Displacements. Although the total Ceres mass includes an asteroid belt, the total Pluto mass is unique. Excluding Neptune, a variety of objects between 48.8 AU and 28.8 AU had a total mass of 10 Earth Masses (i.e., PLUTO INITIAL MASS).


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