Pyramid Science

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Saturday, March 24, 2007

Dynamic Stretching

Dynamic stretching involves the smooth movement of body parts but gradually increasing the speed and/or range of the movement. All kinds of kicks are dynamic movements and involve stretching. It is important to realise that tired muscles become more inelastic and difficult to stretch so repetitions of an exercise should only be done until fatigue becomes apparent or the range of movement starts to decrease. Otherwise the nervous regulation of muscles will be altered to this shortened range of motion and flexibility will be lost. The memory retains the motion that is repeated the most. So, if the maximum range has been reached it is better to stop before tiredness sets in unless endurance is the objective. This maximum length of movement will be remembered. Stretching is concerned with resetting the resting position of muscle.

It is important to remember that like strengthening a muscle by working it in different positions and affecting angles, then stretching must be done in the same way by pulling at all different angles. Very few kicks involve straight extension/flexion along the axis of stretch and involve only those two muscles (groups). Nearly all are executed by transferring load from one or several muscles onto other groups or additionally involving others. The mechanics of the basic kicks are discussed below. The importance of hitting the muscles at all angles cannot be emphasised too much! Too little stretching will almost certainly produce an avoidable injury.

Flexibility is the combination of relaxation of antagonist muscles and contraction of the agonist muscles. Conditioning the length of muscle increases the range of movement and improves the elasticity of muscles and ligaments and co-ordination between the muscles. Further gains in bone and ligaments require long term body changes and requires regular loading over a long period. Joint surfaces can change long term with this type of stretching.


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